You've pickled things or made jam and chutneys, but have you ever tried making Garlic Confit to preserve it? To confit (cohn-fee) something (you may be used to hearing about duck confit) is to preserve it in fat. To make garlic confit, you simply poach peeled cloves of garlic in olive oil over a very low heat until they begin to break down.

The flavor is similar to roasted garlic- sweeter and without the bite of raw garlic. And, bonus, you have lots of garlic-flavored olive oil that can be used to season all sorts of dishes.

To make this recipe you will need:
1 cup olive oil
24 cloves of garlic

Heat oil in a small saucepan over medium heat for about 2 minutes. Add peeled garlic cloves and turn down flame to the lowest it will go and cook garlic for about an hour, being careful not to burn it. The garlic is ready when it is golden in color and is spreadable in texture. Store in a sterilized airtight jar in the refrigerator for 3 weeks to 1 month.